Sunday, September 25, 2011

when you're on tour...

...there comes a day.

a day when you cannot stand to live out of a suitcase anymore.
or wear the same jacket you have worn literally every day since july 16.
or move to a different premier inn every single night.
or eat another tuna sandwich from a gas petrol station.
or feel sort of grimy all the time.
or always have a messy bun of hair.
or be exhausted from constantly moving, 
and feeling guilty about that because your actual work in the theatre takes 3 hours.
a day when you hate everyone and everyone hates you because you are a walking thundercloud.

that day just inevitably comes.

we left nyc on july 16.
72 days ago.
today is almost exactly the halfway point.
so it makes sense that today is THAT day.

but then.
but then you think about what you would normally be doing on a sunday.
(i would be exhausted from working 5-6 bartending shifts 
over the last 4 days.)
and the fact that you are in glasgow, scotland
and it's raining
and you hate your clothes
and would kill for a good hair day
and would cry with joy to see your friends and family
seems to be more manageable.

is this such a downer of a second post?!?!?
just trying to keep it real, y'all.
being on tour is amazing.
the opportunity to travel is priceless.
getting paid in pounds sterling is excellent 
(sorry, usd, but you can't keep up).
but the truth is that there is always that

and that one day is almost over!
davidji and i are getting cozy in the ether and meditating together.
i will be writing a post about brighton.
i will be writing a gratitude list.

there will be a few more days, i'm sure.
but the hardest one, THAT DAY, is almost behind me.


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